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AI content SEO

How To Conduct AI Content SEO for SERP Ranking

In today's digital landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various aspects of our lives, including content creation. AI-written articles offer numerous benefits, such as increased efficiency, improved productivity, and reduced costs for profitable blogging or content marketing.

However, the true power of AI-written content can only be harnessed when it is optimized for search engines. In this article, we will explore the crucial steps to conduct SEO on AI-written content for optimal ranking. We'll begin by understanding the fundamentals of AI-written articles and their benefits.

Then, we'll delve into the importance of SEO in maximizing the visibility of AI-generated content. We'll uncover the secrets of keyword research, identify relevant keywords, and analyze search volume and competition.

Next, we'll explore on-page SEO techniques, including optimizing titles, meta descriptions, and content structure. We'll also dive into off-page SEO strategies, such as building backlinks and promoting content through social media.

Lastly, we'll discuss best practices and provide valuable tools and resources to enhance your SEO efforts on AI-written articles. By following these guidelines, you'll be well-equipped to conquer the search engine rankings and unlock the full potential of AI-generated content.

AI Content SEO for Ranking In The SERP

1. Conducting SEO on AI Content

Since AI written content becomes a new challenge for blogging among the newbie bloggers or content marketers, it's essential to resolve the process for benefits. 

To conduct SEO on AI-written articles effectively for SERP ranking, understanding AI content, the benefits of using AI-written articles, and the importance of SEO in AI-written articles play a crucial role.

Therefore, in this section, we'll explore these three aspects of conducting SEO on AI-written articles and how to make the most of them.

1.2. Understanding AI-Written Articles

Articulating the Indispensable Mechanics of AI-Generated Scripts. Understanding AI-written articles entails a comprehensive comprehension of the algorithms responsible for content production. 

While producers can tweak their scripts to fit a given purpose, natural language processing models are essential in ensuring consistent output. 

Besides, these methods must undergo constant updates to maintain relevance to search engines.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is critical when designing an AI-written article as it determines its visibility on SERPs. Appropriate usage of essential keywords, meta descriptions, and headers can significantly impact indexing.

Proper planning of article structure is crucial to optimize readability and dwell time for the reader. This includes logically grouping information into subheadings where necessary or employing bullet points.

Incorporating illustrations helps diversify content types on otherwise monotonous pages while increasing engagement. Videos or images could come along with appropriate video optimization tags such as alt attributes or active transcripts.

Pro tip: Review your analytics and rework underperforming areas that are associated with high bounce rates or deter user experience.

Who needs a team of writers when you have AI? Benefits of AI-written articles: less caffeine, fewer tears, and more time for Netflix.

1.3. Benefits of using AI-Written Articles

As an AI language model, I can elaborate on the capabilities of AI in generating articles that have revolutionized the content writing process. Such pieces offer multiple benefits, supporting several aspects of business and life immensely.

  • 1. AI-written articles save considerable production time and cost while ensuring high-quality and plagiarism-free content.
  • 2. they enable businesses to increase their web presence, attract new customers, and retain existing ones by improving search engine rankings.
  • Lastly, they provide readers and potential customers with valuable insights into niche topics while allowing them to make well-informed decisions.

Moreover, AI-written articles come loaded with industry-specific jargon and technical terms. They are also unbiased towards any topic or individual. Hence they offer unique perspectives on various topics.

To stay ahead of the competition businesses must adopt advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence for producing content. Still, hesitant? The ever-growing world of technology being left behind could be catastrophic for your business.

Even AI writers need a wingman like SEO to score big on the internet.

1.4. Importance of SEO in AI-Written Articles

Optimizing SEO is imperative for AI-written articles to rank higher in search engines, enhancing visibility. SEO ensures relevance, audience targeting, and content accessibility. It helps in creating content that meets the specific needs of users. 

Adequate keyword research and placement improve visibility and traffic rates generated from search results. Adequate meta descriptions, headings, and internal linking help improve website engagement rates leading to brand loyalty and increased business revenue.

Find the perfect keywords for your AI-written article and it's like finding a needle in a haystack, except the needle is a keyword and the haystack is the entire internet.

2. Keyword Research for AI-Written Articles

To conduct effective SEO on AI-written articles for SERP ranking, you need to start with thorough keyword research in this section titled "Keyword Research for AI-Written Articles." 

Keyword research for ai content

First and foremost action of AI content SEO

This involves identifying relevant keywords for the content, analyzing keyword search volume and competition, and selecting primary and secondary keywords for optimization.

2.1. Identifying relevant keywords for the content

Relevance Prediction Techniques for Keyword Selection

Keyword selection is a crucial part of AI-written articles that requires proper techniques to identify highly relevant and specific words or phrases. 

One such technique is prediction analysis, where algorithms predict which keywords will be most relevant to the target audience. This involves analyzing factors like search history, related searches, user intent, and other informative sources.

For effective keyword selection, natural language processing (NLP) algorithms are used to identify and analyze important contextual cues, including entity recognition and sentiment analysis. These analyses enable AI writers to select highly relevant keywords with a natural flow that resonates with their audiences.

Using advanced techniques like word embeddings and attention-based models can also help to further refine keyword selection by identifying relevant terms in sub-topics or within specific sections of an article that has been identified as critical based on various metrics like engagement patterns, CTRs, or search rankings.

Successful identification of contextually-relevant keywords not only helps in driving more qualified traffic but also improves the quality of content while keeping SEO best practices in mind.

An industry survey from Demand Metrics shows that 82% of marketers who used keyword research witnessed increased web traffic and leads after six months. Always remember to analyze your keyword search volume and competition, unless you enjoy ranking on page 10 of Google with the other forgotten souls.

2.2. Analyzing keyword search volume and competition

Examining the volume and competitiveness of targeted keywords is crucial when crafting AI-written articles. To effectively carry out this task, data on search metrics must be closely analyzed, including search volume, competition level, and cost-per-click (CPC).

The following table presents a comprehensive analysis of keyword search metrics to consider when researching AI-written articles:



Search Volume

The number of searches made each month for a particular keyword.

Competition Level

This refers to how many advertisers are bidding on that keyword in paid search campaigns. High competition levels imply that it may be more difficult to rank organically due to the intense competition.

CPC (Cost per Click)

Refers to the cost advertisers pay every time someone clicks their ad featuring that keyword.

It's critical to note that keyword research goes beyond simply identifying high-search-volume terms; it also requires a deep understanding of user intent and behavior, as well as identifying potential long-tail keywords and related topics.

Understanding these key information points will enable effective targeting and optimization for AI-generated articles, leading to higher visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

A fact: According to Ahrefs' Keyword Explorer tool with more than 10 billion keywords indexed, only about 1% of them receive over 5,000 monthly searches globally. 

Choosing keywords for SEO is like playing a game of Scrabble, except the letters are constantly changing and the board is controlled by robots.

2.3. Selecting primary and secondary keywords for optimization

Selecting the right primary and secondary keywords is essential to optimize AI-written articles. Primary keywords are the most relevant terms that thoroughly convey the nature and intent of an article. 

Whereas, secondary keywords support and enrich the content by providing context-specific information. Keyword selection should be based on thorough research using credible SEO tools.

Select appropriate primary and secondary keywords, determine your target audience, brainstorm topic ideas with related concepts, check competitor's keyword usage, use semantically related phrases, and ensure relevance to the specific article context. 

Accurate keyword selection enhances SEO ranking and promotes better visibility of your content.

Uncovering unique details beyond typical practices requires adopting innovative strategies for keyword research such as analyzing long-tail keywords, incorporating synonyms and antonyms, studying trend data, and collecting audience feedback through surveys or social media platforms.

Stay ahead in today's competitive digital world- uplift your article optimization strategy! Choose optimized primary & secondary keywords that will cater uniquely to satisfy your target audience’s needs while enhancing search engine ranking and contributing towards successful marketing campaigns. 

Let's hope the AI doesn't get too smart and start optimizing for keywords we didn't even know existed.

3. On-Page SEO for AI-Written Articles

To optimize your AI-written articles for higher SERP ranking, you need to conduct on-page SEO. 

On-page SEO of AI content

Direct optimization process on blog post!

This involves optimizing the title, meta description, and URL, placing primary and secondary keywords strategically in the content, and formatting the content properly with header tags, images, and internal links. 

Let's dive into these sub-sections to understand how to conduct SEO on AI-written articles effectively.

3.1. Optimizing title, meta description, and URL

The process of enhancing the SEO features like title, meta description, and URL is critical for AI-generated content. These elements have a significant impact on the article’s online presence. An optimized URL helps in ranking high positions on various search engines.

To improve title and meta descriptions, follow the guidelines provided by Google. The title should be interesting and eye-catching. Ensure that the primary keywords naturally exist in them. The meta description should be within 150-160 characters, uniquely written with relevant information.

Incorporate internal links amongst the other pages of your website as this indicates relevant content for users and enhances authority on various search engines. Make links open in a new window instead of redirecting to a different tab.

By optimizing titles, meta descriptions, URLs, and heading tags correctly, you can ensure better visibility on various search engines which leads to higher rankings. This will help move up site SEO scores while engaging visitors with ai-powered articles that relate to their interests.

If keywords were people, the primary ones would be the CEO and the secondary ones would be the loyal assistant - make sure both have a prominent role in your content.

3.2. Placing primary and secondary keywords in the content

Ensuring appropriate keyword placement within AI-generated content is crucial for on-page SEO. The primary and secondary keywords must be spread throughout the text in a meaningful way, avoiding over-stuffing or redundancy. Keyword density should also align with industry standards for optimal search engine visibility.

Effective keyword placement involves identifying related words and phrases that complement the primary keyword's topic.

These supporting terms allow Google to understand the article's context more effectively and improve overall SEO performance. As such, it is imperative to integrate these words using natural language and avoid artificial or forced use.

Moreover, every page should have a unique set of keywords relevant to its topics. Using multiple variations of search terms can help establish authority in the niche and enhance the website's rankings.

Did you know that incorrect keyword placement could lead to penalties by Google? In 2012, J.C. Penney was hit with significant traffic losses due to poor on-page SEO practices, indicating that following best practices ensures long-term success.

Who said SEO can't be sexy? Make your content irresistible with the right formatting, images, and links.

3.3. Formatting the content with header tags, images, and internal links

Using proper header tags, images, and internal links can enhance the on-page SEO of AI-generated articles. It helps to organize the content in an easy-to-read and accessible manner for both users and search engines.

Here is a six-step guide for formatting the content with header tags, images, and internal links:

  • Use the H1 tag only once for the title or main heading.
  • Use H2 tags for the subheadings that follow H1; this creates a logical structure for your article.
  • Use H3 tags for subtopics below H2 headings.
  • Incorporate relevant images throughout your content; it's essential to break up text and keep readers engaged.
  • Add internal links within your article whenever appropriate; this provides additional information and enhances website navigation.
  • Ensure all images have alt attributes; this gives search engines context about image content.

In addition to these steps, using descriptive filenames for images, compressing them to increase speed loading time, and resizing high-resolution visuals are some more ways to improve SEO further.

Just like online dating, off-page SEO for AI-written articles is all about finding the right match and making a connection that lasts.

4. Off-Page SEO for AI-Written Articles

To ensure your AI-written articles rank higher on SERPs, Off-Page SEO with the right techniques can be vital.

off-page SEO for AI content

Off-page SEO for AI content visibility

In this section on Off-Page SEO for AI-Written Articles, learn how Building backlinks from authoritative websites, Promoting the content on social media and other channels, and Monitoring and analyzing the traffic and engagement can give your articles more visibility and drive traffic to your site.

4.1. Building backlinks from authoritative websites

Building links from established websites can drive traffic to your AI-generated articles. It is essential to increase the authority of your website and make it more visible while enhancing its search engine optimization (SEO) by getting quality backlinks from authoritative sites. Here are three crucial points that can help you build links effectively.

  • Research high-authority domains based on relevance and reliability for the niche and topic you are writing about.
  • Contact website owners or editors requesting permission to link within their content or guest post as journalists or writers with expertise in your field.
  • Create and publish engaging content on these external sites, providing value to readers and linking back to your site.

Achieving backlinks on authoritative websites will result in increased brand awareness, credibility, and online visibility. By taking a strategic approach and targeting an audience that values relevant information in the chosen niche, success can be achieved.

A vital hack to achieve better results is analyzing competitors who currently rank well for desired keywords. Many may have backlink sources worth replicating or expanding upon with fresh approaches.

According to a study by BackLinko, "pages with high-quality backlinks rank higher than pages without them." Get ready to hashtag your way to SEO success and social media fame with these off-page tactics for AI-written articles.

4.2. Promoting the content on social media and other channels

To amplify the exposure of AI-written content, it's imperative to propagate it on diverse platforms such as social media, blogs, and forums. By utilizing various distribution channels, you can significantly augment your website's SERP rankings.

It's essential to produce engrossing content that promptly attracts a diverse audience. Creating shareable content is crucial in this era of information dissemination. Sharing relevant posts across multiple platforms is an excellent way to increase traffic and generate backlinks for your site.

To amplify the effectiveness of your content promotion strategy, try collaborating with other industry leaders and influencers. Partnering with them enables you to reach new audiences and achieve exponential growth through their extensive network.

Maximize visibility by keeping up-to-date with changes in search algorithms. Use metadata that accurately portray the article's contents rather than relying solely on generic tags.

Ensure that all hyperlinks linking back to your website are strategic and relevant. It builds trust and authority, and search engines recognize it.

Do not miss out on opportunities for reaching targeted audiences; optimize shares around peak engagement times and leverage hashtags specific to your niche for maximum reach.

Craft a promotional plan tailored to your brand's identity while being open-minded enough to adjust when necessary without losing sight of ultimate goals. Keep an eye on your website's traffic like a hawk, and analyze engagement data like a mad scientist - your AI-written articles will thank you for it.

4.3. Monitoring and analyzing the traffic and engagement

Evaluating user engagement and traffic is crucial in enhancing the performance of AI-generated articles. Careful observation of audience behavior provides insight into what works and what requires improvement. 

By employing sophisticated analytical tools, key performance indicators such as page views, bounce rate, and scroll distance can be monitored and evaluated efficiently for a better understanding of audience preferences.

Furthermore, attention to the duration of time visitors spend on-site enables webmasters to gather data on audience engagement levels accurately. The analysis would pinpoint weak areas in the article's layout design or content that require refinement for a better user experience. In-depth scrutiny would also provide direction for creating dynamic content that ignites interest among visitors.

Finally, conducting market research by using competitor analysis techniques assists website owners to improve their rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs). Regularly monitoring webpage rankings on SERPs through advanced SEO tools helps track competitors' positioning. Knowing how well competing websites rank allows website owners to adopt more effective strategies that resonate with audiences and meet their specific needs while improving SEO rankings.

Let's make sure our AI-written articles don't fall victim to SEO crimes, like stuffing keywords in paragraphs or hiding links like a bad spy.

5. Best Practices for SEO on AI-Written Articles

To conduct SEO on AI-written articles for SERP ranking, follow these best practices. Create high-quality and original content, adhere to search engine guidelines and algorithm updates, and collaborate with experts and influencers in the niche. These are the sub-sections that will be covered in this section.

5.1. Creating high-quality and original content

As content generation AI advances, creating exceptional and authentic articles is imperative. The aim is to produce original content that stands out among the millions of posts already available on the internet. To achieve this, one must broaden their vocabulary and build an intensive database of words and phrases using machine learning techniques.

To create top-notch written articles devoid of plagiarism, there's a need to include quotes from credible sources in the writing process. Doing this with AI-generated language models would create a contextually relevant article that meets industry standards.

In addition, human writers could input structure guidelines into their algorithms to make it more comfortable for readers to understand their work. Also, proofreading by human curators would give it a polished final touch, free from spelling errors or grammatical mistakes, before publishing.

By following these practices for SEO on AI-written articles, brands can improve content quality and increase visibility on search engines. Leveraging technical SEO such as keyword density and meta tags alongside strategic placement of statistics or data visualizations will rank higher in SERP (Search Engine Result Pages). Keeping up with SEO algorithms is like trying to win a race with a cheetah on steroids.

5.2. Following the search engine guidelines and algorithm updates

Following the trends in search engine algorithms is crucial to optimizing AI-written articles for higher rankings. By keeping up with algorithm updates and guidelines, such as those from Google, Bing, and Yahoo!, you can implement current best practices and avoid penalties for outdated strategies.

One effective approach is to utilize natural language processing techniques to ensure that the article's structure, flow, tone, and content suit your target audience's preferences. Another strategy is creating quality content that not only adheres to relevant SEO tactics but also resonates with users' intent and keyword searches.

It is essential to regularly monitor changes in search engine algorithms to adjust your optimization strategies accordingly. Also, evaluate your website's performance and user engagement regularly through analytics tools like Google Analytics or SEMrush.

Pro Tip: Ensure that your AI-generated content is plagiarism-free by using up-to-date software. Working with experts is like having a personal trainer for your SEO - they'll whip your strategy into shape and make sure you're always on top.

5.3. Collaborating with experts and influencers in the niche

Collaborating with niche experts and influencers can vastly benefit your AI-written content. Here's a 6-step guide:

  1. Identify your niche and target audience
  2. Research and make a list of potential experts and influencers in the niche
  3. Reach out to them through social media, email, or networking events
  4. Pitch your idea with a clear value proposition that aligns with their expertise and interests
  5. Create high-quality content collaboratively
  6. Promote the article extensively on various platforms

To stand out, emphasize how collaboration can help produce unique insights and perspectives on topics. Remember to keep communication professional, concise, respectful of their time, and open to feedback.

Pro Tip: Choose experts not only for their current influence but also for their potential impact in the future.

Get ready to level up your SEO game with these AI-powered tools and resources - because who needs human effort when you've got artificial intelligence?

6. Tools and Resources for SEO on AI-Written Articles

To optimize your AI-written articles for top SERP ranking, you need to equip yourself with the right set of tools and resources.

Tool for AI content

Tools for AI content

With this section on "Tools and Resources for SEO on AI-Written Articles", you'll have access to the best keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, SEMrush, on-page optimization tools like Yoast SEO, RankMath, and off-page optimization tools like BuzzSumo, Hootsuite, Buffer.

6.1. Keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, SEMrush

Keyword exploration resources such as Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and SEMrush are instrumental in identifying words and phrases that users use while looking for content.





Google Keyword Planner

To find the appropriate keywords and provide ideas when creating content.

User-friendly interface, vast keyword databases provided by Google.

Only displays exact match Google ads estimates data. Requires a campaign registered with Google Ads.


To research competitors' search traffic potential and uncover backlink possibilities.

A huge database of live links alongside other relevant information, a simple user interface. 


One essential point to keep in mind is that these tools should only be used as a guide for your investigation. They lack access to first-hand knowledge about contextual search intent, which must always be taken into consideration.

To build more meaningful relationships with target markets, ensure that long-tail keywords are used to create hyper-relevant material specific to each audience subset.

Consistently evaluate your SEO efforts to track improvements and optimal performance using analytics software such as Google Analytics or Cyfe to generate customized dashboards tailored exclusively for different departments.

By regularly assessing keyword densities and incorporating applicable metatags into article metadata in line with AI prior generation guidelines from OpenAI's GPT-3 or DeepAI NLP models (MAD-GAN-Language Generation etc.), you can enhance the search relevance and reader engagement of your AI-written articles.

If Yoast and RankMath were superheroes, they'd be Optimus Prime and Iron Man - transforming your pages into SEO juggernauts.

6.2. On-page Optimization Tools like Yoast SEO, RankMath

On-page optimization tools, such as Yoast SEO and RankMath, can significantly enhance a website's visibility on search engines like Google. These tools offer features that analyze and optimize web pages, highlighting areas that need fixing and providing recommendations for improvement.

  • Yoast SEO: A popular WordPress plugin that assesses on-page SEO elements through content analysis to improve the readability scores of articles.
  • RankMath: This tool offers advanced schema implementations with open graph meta-tags making it an ideal tool for a rich snippet implementation enabling amplification of the article's search engine results page display.
  • SEMrush: An all-in-one marketing suite useful in competitive domain research including phrase match keywords to understand the SERP winnability which leads to optimization tips for possible outranking strategies.
  • Ahrefs: A comprehensive competitor research tool offering insights into link-building opportunities, and backlink analysis aiming for improving the Domain authority to rank higher on Google SERPs.

It is worth noting that On-page optimization tools are not limited to these four examples; many others exist that provide various benefits based on users' needs.

To stay competitive in digital content creation, great care should be taken when optimizing articles using AI-generated language. Make use of the most powerful resources available at hand by signing up for SEO courses offered by Udemy or Coursera and always evolve your skills.

Feeling stuck or overwhelmed? Select one or two tools, take an approachable mini-course via LinkedIn learning or blogs like, and put your newly learned techniques into practice right away. The earlier you familiarize yourself with these SEO-enhancing resources and best practices applications, the better positioned you will be in the long run against AI-written competition.

6.3. Off-page optimization tools like BuzzSumo, Hootsuite, Buffer

Off-page SEO tools are essential for optimizing AI-written articles for higher rankings on search engines. These tools aid in analyzing and improving the article's off-page factors such as social media shares, backlinks, and mentions. Here are four top-performing Off-page optimization tools:

  • BuzzSumo is a content analysis tool that identifies trending topics and the most popular content formats in your niche.
  • Hootsuite is a social media management software that helps you manage social media accounts, schedule posts, and measure performance on various platforms.
  • Buffer is another social media management tool that simplifies scheduling and analytics across different social networks.
  • Ahrefs is a comprehensive SEO toolset that provides data on backlinks profiles, organic search traffic, keyword rankings, and more.

In addition to these well-known Off-page SEO tools, several other options cater to specific needs or niches. It would be best if you considered optimizing your online reputation with tools like Google Alerts or tracking your brand mentions with Mention. This can help you avoid negative feedback that may affect your site's ranking or user engagement.

Optimizing your AI-written articles through Off-page SEO offers numerous benefits. Therefore, utilizing these tools to ensure robust optimization will help ascertain better rankings on search engine result pages (SERPs) and drive high-quality traffic to your site. Turnaround time increases alongside traffic ensures higher returns on investment (ROI).

Time to put the tools to work and let the AI do the writing - sit back, relax, and watch your SEO soar to new heights.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is AI-written content?

AI-written content is any form of content that is written by artificial intelligence software. It uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to generate text. AI-written content can be used in various forms such as articles, blog posts, product descriptions, etc.

2. Can AI-written content be optimized for search engines?

Yes, AI-written content can be optimized for search engines. While the content is generated by AI, it is still important to optimize it for SEO.

 This includes ensuring the content contains relevant keywords, meta descriptions, title tags, and header tags.

3. How can I optimize my AI-written content for SERP ranking?

To optimize your AI-written content for SERP ranking, you should start by understanding your target audience and their search intent.

You should also optimize your content for keywords that are relevant to your audience, use internal and external links, and also include social sharing buttons to help promote the content.

4. Is it possible to use AI software for conducting SEO on my AI-written articles?

Yes, it is possible to use AI software for conducting SEO on your AI-written articles. There are several AI-powered SEO tools available that can help you to optimize your content for search engines.

 These tools can help with keyword research, content creation, and even optimizing image alt tags and meta descriptions.

5. Can I still achieve a high SERP ranking with AI-written content?

Yes, it is possible to achieve a high SERP ranking with AI-written content. However, you need to ensure that your content is high-quality, relevant to your audience, and provides value.

You should also focus on building backlinks, engaging with your audience on social media, and monitoring your website traffic and analytics.

6. Will using AI-written content give me an advantage over my competitors?

Using AI-written content can give you an advantage over your competitors as it allows you to create more content in a shorter amount of time.

However, it is important to ensure that the quality of the content is not compromised. It is also important to remember that other factors such as the relevance of the content, backlinks, and engagement with your audience will also affect your SERP ranking.


Building a robust SEO for AI content means optimizing them for search engines is vital to truly maximize the potential of AI-written content. Incorporating the right keywords, meta descriptions, and titles will help the article rank higher on SERPs.

To take it up a notch, use tools like Google Analytics to analyze website traffic and track keyword rankings. Consistently updating and enhancing the article with fresh insights and linking relevant sources can ultimately lead to higher engagement rates.

As you look to improve your AI-written work, remember that even small tweaks can make a significant difference. Ensure that your content remains credible and engaging by constantly monitoring its performance and adjusting as necessary.

About the Author Swapan CS

The author is an Internet Marketing professional since 2012. He has expertise in search marketing, B2B marketing, overseas export-import correspondence, and organic lifestyle for better well-being. He's always a student, even while he teaches someone, and loves to learn the problems, curves of changes, and solutions. Proud father of a good student.

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